Thursday, March 5, 2015

Imperialism DBQ


To what extent was the late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States expansionism a continuation of past United States expansionism and to what extent was it a departure?

The late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States expansionism saw a continuation of past American expansionism which began in the days of old in colonial America which was subject to European influence. The United States began to shadow after its European predecessors, who were actively involved in colonizing the "New World" and Africa, with the likes of the Manifest Destiny,which promoted westward movement, and the White Man's Burden. As a continuation of past expansionism, America saw a divide in its people with those favoring the idea for political motives, ones who entertained the subject based on religious convictions,and persons who were more or less against the concept.

Topic Sentence: 
Individuals invested in the idea of expansionism for political motives(canals for trade,new markets,strategic territories for the likes of naval bases,achievement for their country as a world power, influence on foreign lands).
Documents: C,E,A,G

Topic Sentence:
Agreement on expansionism ideals under the guise of religious facets (convert new members,spread the language of conquering country)
Documents: B

Topic Sentence:
Individuals who are more or less against expansionism based on an array of reasons ( against the basis of American ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence,cultural clashes,regards to U.S. Citizenship).
Documents: D,F,H

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