Sunday, March 15, 2015

Essential Questions: Progressive Era and World War I

To what extent did muckrakers, Social Gospel reformers,settlement house volunteers, social workers, and other experts reflect the central assumptions of progressivism?
The likes of muckrakers, Social Gospel reformers,settlement house volunteers, social workers, and other experts reflected the notions of progressivism since the movement arose to combat the social ills that arose from modernization with muckrakers working to expose the public to problems that needed addressing, Social Gospel reformers who advocated for factory regulations and shorter work weeks, settlement house workers such as Jane Addams and Florence Kelley who strove to improve the lives of the less fortunate, and social workers who wanted an improved quality of life for people pertaining to a wide variety of classes.

How and why did Progressives attempt to free government and Politics from the domination of the political parties?

Progressives attempted to free government and Politics from the domination of the political parties because the politicians of these political parties were invested in corrupt affairs as in accepting bribes and not endeavoring to look out for the common good of the people so in response Progressives called for direct election of Senators and referendums (laws referred to the people for approval).

Evaluate the effectiveness of Progressive Era reformers and the federal government in bringing about reform at the national level. In your answer be sure to analyze the successes and limitations of these efforts in the period 1900-1920.

Progressive Era reformers and the federal government achieved success in bringing reform at the national level with the likes of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906,that prevented the manufactured,sale,and transportation of foods or drugs altered with harmful additives, and the Meat Inspection Act,which prevented the sale of adulterated livestock and associated products, both came as a result of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle which revealed the disconcerting aspects of a Chicago meat packaging company. The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911 was a tragic incident that brought some reform in its wake when after 11 weeks of strikes the Triangle company owners agreed to higher wages and shorter hours. Although Progressive Era reformers and the federal government brought, to a degree,reform at a national level their efforts experienced limitations such as administrations of Roosevelt and Wilson conflicting where Roosevelt passed laws that constricted business and Wilson passing laws that supported competition.

Analyze the ways on which the federal government sought support on the home front for the war effort during the First World War.

The federal government sought support on the home front for the war effort during World War I by utilizing propaganda under the Wilson administration. During this time Woodrow Wilson hired muckraker George Creel to stand charge of the Committee on Public Information which distributed pro-war advertisements in magazines and pamphlets that defended the United State's entrance into the war.
1. Why did the United States Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles and, thus membership in the League of Nations?

The United States Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles and ,therefore membership in the League of Nations because a part of the treaty, Article X,would bind the U.S. to aid any member in the League of Nations that experienced any external aggression. The Republican Leader of the Senate, Henry Cabot Lodge, was a contributing factor in the U.S. Senate denying the treaty when he made revisions to the T.O.V. exempting the U.S from Article X with Wilson,being bedridden, asking the Senate Democrats to not approve unless the revisions were dropped which neither side came to an agreement. 

2. Discuss the developments in the United States from 1918-1920 which produced a general sense of disillusionment and led to the desire for "normalcy" with the election of Warren G. Harding.

Starting from 1918, the United States was coming out of WWI and was involved with other nations, Britain,France,and Italy, in a bid for peace with Germany where then President Woodrow Wilson would urge the United States Senate to ratify the Treaty of Versailles,mainly for the purpose of establishing the League of Nations, which the Senate refused to do because they didn't want the United States entangled in international conflicts. When the U.S. first entered the war, Wilson pegged their entrance as a fight for democracy but when the war came to a close empires such as Russia fell to communist forces under the Bolsheviks instead of strengthening democracy WWI actually weakened it. When the 1920 election rolled around candidate Warren G. Harding advocated for healing,restoration,and normalcy that appealed to the American public who had to make sacrifices to aid the Allied cause and wished for a United States pre-WWI.

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